Exercising With Plantar Fasciitis
If you have plantar fasciitis and it is interfering with your daily workout routine, you want to do all you can to help yourself feel better and still be able to get in as much exercise as possible. This means finding ways to get relief from the pain of plantar fasciitis and ways to avoid experiencing another flair up.
Relieving the pain
When your plantar fasciitis is acting up, it can cause you to experience pain and inflammation. You can get some help with the inflammation by taking an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory. This will also help to take away some of the pain you are suffering with. Always take an anti-inflammatory with food, or it can be very upsetting to your stomach.
You can also get help for the pain by using something cold. You can use socks filled with rice that have been left in the freezer. The ends should be tied to prevent the rice from coming out. Set your feet on the rice socks for relief. If you are laying down, tie the ends of the socks around your feet so they stay where you want them. You can also roll a frozen water bottle back and forth under your feet. You may also roll frozen marbles under them to help with that pain.
Preventing a flair up when exercising
The best way for you to prevent a flair up of plantar fasciitis when you are exercising is to do exercises that don't put more stress on the bottoms of your feet. Instead of doing your cardio by running on the pavement, switch to swimming instead. Instead of lifting free-weights while standing, consider using weight machines that allow you to sit. When you are exercising, you should make sure you are wearing good shoes that offer you the proper support.
Getting help for plantar fasciitis
If you have tried to control your condition by yourself only to find that you are unable to do so, then you want to see a podiatrist. There are many different types of treatments they may be able to use to help you, depending on the severity of your condition and other factors. These treatments include such things as braces, medication for pain and inflammation and in worst case scenarios, surgery. A podiatrist will be able to work with you over time to get relief and hopefully move past the condition altogether.
For a podiatrist, contact a business such as Foot First Podiatry Centers.