Do you have a few problems with your feet or gait in general? Learn more about how a podiatrist can help fix your foot problems.


3 Tips For Minimizing Complications After Plantar Fasciitis Release Surgery

2 May 2016
, Blog

Although non-surgical treatment for plantar fasciitis is often effective for patients, some have no other option than to have surgery. If you are planning to have plantar fasciitis release surgery, a good surgical and post-operative strategy can help you reduce the risks of complications. Discuss Your Surgical Strategy There is significant variability in the approach to surgery and the amount of fascia that is released during the procedure. You should spend time discussing this information with your doctor so you feel comfortable with their approach.
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Tips For Preventing Athlete’s Foot

29 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Athlete's foot is a relatively common fungal infection, affecting between 15 and 25 percent of people at any given time. More properly called tinea pedis, it's a form of ringworm that causes crusty or oozing blisters, itchy red skin, and a stinging or burning pain. While it typically starts in the feet, it can spread if it isn't properly treated and affect other parts of the body as well. Taking a few simple steps can limit your risk of getting athlete's foot.
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Your Back Pain May Start At Your Feet

29 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you have chronic lower back pain, take a look at your feet. Flat feet, also called fallen arches, may be the cause of the pain. The position of your feet has a lot to do with the alignment of your legs and hips. Any problem with this alignment can put stress on the lower back, causing your pain. Here is how your feet may be contributing to that persistent ache in your lower back and how to get rid of the pain.
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Preventing Chronic Ankle Sprains And Injuries

27 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Frequent ankle sprains and injuries can be a debilitating condition for anyone on the move, particularly if you are an athlete or worker who must stay on your feet for hours on end. This frustrating issue is often caused by repeated trauma or stress to the joint in question and can grow worse over time if ignored. It may also be the result of poor muscle tone or ligament strength in your feet and ankles.
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Don’t Let Plantar Fasciitis Keep You Down

26 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Plantar fasciitis gives you no warning when it will hit. This foot problem can be so painful that you can't put weight on the affected foot. Here is how to deal with it so you can get back up on your feet. A Lot of Pain From a Small Band of Tissue The plantar fascia is a narrow band of tissue that runs from your heel bone to the base of your toes.
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About Me
Understanding Foot Problems

When I started running to lose weight, I was surprised to find that I had a few problems with my feet and my gait in general. When I would run, my toes would ache and sometimes the fascia underneath my foot would hurt badly. I realized that I couldn't go on exercising with all of the pain, which is why I turned to my podiatrist for help. He analyzed my gait and determined that I had a fallen arch on one of my feet, but not on the other. This blog is all about the benefits of podiatry, so that you can learn how you might be able to exercise and move without any discomfort.